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the common max. and min. width of stainless steel wire mesh

Mar. 25, 2022

The common width of stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, and stainless steel filter mesh are 0.2 meters, 0.5 meters, 0.914 meters, 1 meter, 1.2 meters, 1.5 meters, 2 meters, 2.2 meters, 2.5 meters, 3 meters, 4 meters, and 5 meters. Among them, stainless steel wire mesh with a width of 1 meter and a length of 30 meters is the most common, and it is also the best-selling stainless steel wire mesh. Wider-than-general-width and narrower-than-general-width stainless steel wire meshes belong to non-standard width stainless steel wire meshes, which are designed according to some special requirements of customers, and also to save raw materials and avoid waste.


The wider-than-general-width stainless steel wire mesh refers to the stainless steel wire mesh with a width of more than 1.5 meters. The width of the stainless steel wide mesh produced by the stainless steel wire mesh weaving machine is mainly between 1.5-6 meters, except for a few stainless steel wire mesh factories that have a special production line of 8 meters wide stainless steel wire mesh weaving machine.


Stainless steel wire mesh with a width of less than 50cm is called a narrower-than-general-width stainless steel wire mesh, and a stainless steel wire mesh with a width of less than 20cm is called an ultra-narrow stainless steel wire mesh. Some narrow stainless steel wire meshes can be cut from wide stainless steel wire mesh. Our factory can produce various specifications of narrow stainless steel wire mesh, the specific width and mesh can be produced according to customer requirements.