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How to clean stainless steel woven mesh

Jan. 19, 2022

How to clean stainless steel woven mesh?

Stainless steel weave wire mesh is widely used in the processing of food, cosmetics, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, because it can resist corrosion and ensure that these products will not be contaminated by rust. In order to maximize the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel weave mesh, it must be cleaned regularly.

The frequency of cleaning varies by application and environment. The ideal approach is to inspect it visually, and if it looks dirty, it should be cleaned to restore it to its original state.

When cleaning the stainless steel weave wire mesh, it is strongly recommended to place it correctly and horizontally before starting any cleaning. It is not recommended to clean while the weave mesh is still connected to its structure, which is considered unsafe.

After the mesh is separated from the structure, it should be easier to clean. In the most basic process, mild detergents and warm water are sufficient. Just soak the screen for a few minutes and then rinse it thoroughly.

If dirt accumulates on the weave mesh, use a nylon brush with soft bristles to wipe off the dirt. In the case of rust or discoloration of the surface, it is best to find another alternative cleaner.